Check the sign rules in your zoning district
Different zoning districts have different rules for signs. Learn what rules you must follow in your district.
What to do
1. Find your zoning district
Before you build your sign, you will need to find out the specific sign rules that apply to your zoning district.
Use the property information map to find your building’s zoning district.
Search with your address or block and lot number.
Select "Zoning Information" from the list on the left menu.
Your “Zoning District” will determine the sign rules you must follow.
2. Check the rules in your zoning district
Look up the specific rules you must follow in your zoning district.
- Residential (RH or RM) districts
- Commercial and industrial (C or M) districts
- Public use (P) districts
- Residential commercial and neighborhood commercial (RC, NC, or NCT) districts
- NC-1 and NCT-1 districts
- RC, NC-2, NCT-2, NC-S districts and named neighborhood-commercial districts
- Mission Street NCT, NC-3, and NCT-3 districts
- Mixed use (MUO) districts
- Chinatown residential neighborhood commercial district
- Chinatown visitor retail district
- Other mixed use districts (including the Chinatown Community Business District, Eastern Neighborhoods, South of Market Mixed Use Districts, and the Downtown Residential Districts)
- Automobile service stations
Supporting information
Special cases
Historic districts
In the property information map, select "Historic Preservation" from the list on the left menu of the property information map.
If your property is subject to Article 10 or Article 11, you will need a historic preservation review.
Email to get in touch with a historic preservation planner.
Get help
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pic@sfgov.orgPartner agencies
What to do
1. Find your zoning district
Before you build your sign, you will need to find out the specific sign rules that apply to your zoning district.
Use the property information map to find your building’s zoning district.
Search with your address or block and lot number.
Select "Zoning Information" from the list on the left menu.
Your “Zoning District” will determine the sign rules you must follow.
2. Check the rules in your zoning district
Look up the specific rules you must follow in your zoning district.
- Residential (RH or RM) districts
- Commercial and industrial (C or M) districts
- Public use (P) districts
- Residential commercial and neighborhood commercial (RC, NC, or NCT) districts
- NC-1 and NCT-1 districts
- RC, NC-2, NCT-2, NC-S districts and named neighborhood-commercial districts
- Mission Street NCT, NC-3, and NCT-3 districts
- Mixed use (MUO) districts
- Chinatown residential neighborhood commercial district
- Chinatown visitor retail district
- Other mixed use districts (including the Chinatown Community Business District, Eastern Neighborhoods, South of Market Mixed Use Districts, and the Downtown Residential Districts)
- Automobile service stations
Supporting information
Special cases
Historic districts
In the property information map, select "Historic Preservation" from the list on the left menu of the property information map.
If your property is subject to Article 10 or Article 11, you will need a historic preservation review.
Email to get in touch with a historic preservation planner.
Get help
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