JUSTIS Council

Delivering integrated data and technology to criminal justice agencies throughout San Francisco.

Meeting during COVID-19

All JUSTIS meetings will be held virtually until further notice. We will be meeting remotely via Microsoft Teams.

Public comment in meetings

To offer public comment during a meeting, follow meeting call-in instructions on the meeting page.


JUSTIS Council meeting
JUSTIS Council meeting


The JUSTIS Program's goal is to merge all SF criminal justice agencies’ case management systems. We want to retire costly, outdated technologies for the City and County of San Francisco.

Learn more about us
Partner agencies

Council members

City Administrator (Chair) | Sheriff | Police | District Attorney | Public Defender | Adult Probation |Status of Women Juvenile Probation | Superior Court | Emergency Management | Mayor’s Office | City CIO | Department of Technology

Carmen Chu
ChairCarmen Chu(she/her)