Cancel your reservation at the Alemany Farmers Market

If you're a vendor and you can’t go to a market day you reserved, here's what to do.

Qué saber

Cancellation policy

  • You must cancel by Friday by calling the Market Office 

¿Qué hacer?

If you can’t go to a market day on the day you reserved, you must cancel by Friday the day before market day. If no one answers, just leave a message.


Alemany Market Office 415-647-9423

Información complementaria

Casos especiales

Canceling late because of an emergency

If you have an emergency and need to cancel after the deadline, we may be able to help. 

Call us at 415-647-9423 

Let us know why you needed to cancel late. 


Obtener ayuda

Alemany Market 415-647-2043
Get information about weather cancellations or events Leave a message to reserve a vendor stall or cancel a reservation

Agencias asociadas