Complete a Quality Care Form to refer for gender-affirming surgeries

Primary care and mental health providers should collaborate to complete and submit this form for referral.

Qué saber

These quality care forms are:

  • Based on World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care 8
  • Designed to cover and streamline insurance approval
  • Focus on navigation needs and care coordination to support best patient outcomes
  • Cover informed consent, stability, and readiness for surgery

¿Qué hacer?

The referring provider can download the quality care from and complete it for the referral.  Please follow the instructions on the form and coordinate with the patient's care appropriate team to complete. 

Providers can use a smart phrase titled GENDERHEALTHQC to complete the form using a progress note. Stay tuned for additional instructions on how to complete the form using smart phrase with more than one provider e.g., primary care and mental health provider. 

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