Get tuberculosis (TB) testing

Find places to get TB testing for school or employment screening

¿Qué hacer?

Get testing with your primary care provider if you have one

This is the best option because your primary care provider is already in network with your coverage, and can evaluate you if your test is positive.

Get testing at a free or low-cost clinic

Get testing at a San Francisco Health Network clinic

If you are already signed up as a San Francisco Health Network patient, you can get TB testing at these clinics.

If you are not already signed up, you can sign up as a new patient if you qualify, and then go to these clinics.

Visit the SF Health Network for a continually updated list of their clinics.

Find other ways to get TB testing

Many clinics in San Francisco do TB testing. You can contact the clinics in the San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium and ask about testing.

Many private urgent care clinics also do TB testing.

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