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Flyers, posters, and fact sheets in English, 中文, Filipino, and Español.
Signs for businesses and City facilities
Beginning 3/1/22, in alignment with the state, masks are no longer required in most SF public indoor buildings. Operators of individual businesses, facilities, or entities, may choose to adopt more restrictive measures.
Masks are still good to wear whenever:
- Community spread is high, like during surges
- You, or someone you live with or spend time with, is at risk of severe illness or death
- You feel at risk
Businesses and property managers can use one of the following posters.
Beginning 3/1/22, in alignment with the state, masks are no longer required in most SF public indoor buildings. Businesses can still elect to have patrons wear masks.
Masks are good to wear whenever:
- Community spread is high, like during surges
- You, or someone you live with or spend time with, is at risk of severe illness or death
- You feel at risk
Beginning 3/18/22, masks are no longer required in most City facilities. Some City facilities including the Department of Public Health buildings still require masking.
Masks are still good to wear whenever:
- Community spread is high, like during surges
- You, or someone you live with or spend time with, is at risk of severe illness or death
- You feel at risk
Vaccine information
Getting your vaccine
Community resources
Watch community vaccine videos.
See resources for the African American community and the Latinx community.
This PDF has four pages. Each page has the same 8.5x11" poster in a different language: English, Spanish, Chinese, Filipino. Posters warn against racial discrimination related to COVID-19.
Also available in 11x17" size and 24x36" size.
This poster reads "Do the Right Thing: Respect / Protect / Family." It shows illustrations of two masked families socializing and grilling food in separate circles. It is in English and it is 8.5 x 11 inches.
Also available in 11 x 17 inches size.
Five posters with collage of selfies of people wearing masks. Text reads "Together We Heal" for the campaign.
Also available in black and white photos.
Other available posters
This poster encourages SF residents to get vaccinated for COVID-19. In English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino. This version has a mostly-white background for printing.
Available in different sizes and backgrounds: 8.5"x11" green, 11"x17" white, 11"x17" green, and 24"x36" green.
SF businesses are encouraged to display a version of this poster in front-facing highly visible entrances. It includes best practices and prevention measures to protect against COVID-19 transmission in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino.
Also available in different sizes and backgrounds: 8.5"x11" green, 11"x17" white, 11"x17" green, and 24"x36" green.
All businesses can complete and post this ventilation checklist. It is in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino.
COVID-19 testing and treatment information
Testing information
The flyer "When to get a COVID-19 test" has been temporarily removed for an update.
Get Tested, San Francisco! poster, 8.5"x11", white background. Text in English, Spanish, Chinese and Filipino.
Also available in different sizes and backgrounds: 8.5"x11" green, 11"x17" white, and 11"x17" green.
Also available as a file with seven pages, each with a different language (English, Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Russian, Arabic): 8.5"x11" white, 8.5"x11" green, 11"x17" white, and 11"x17" green.
Posters about masks and face coverings
Poster showing that covering your face is proven to slow the spread of coronavirus, using illustrations of people wearing masks. Poster is in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino.
Also available in 11x17 size.
This poster is 8.5x11" and is printed in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino.
Also available in 11x17" size.
Poster showing correct and incorrect ways to wear a face covering to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In English, Chinese, Spanish, and Filipino.
Also available in 11x17" size and 24x36" size.
This poster provides guidance on wearing, donning, and doffing face shields, goggles, and glasses that protect from coronavirus.
This poster provides guidance for health workers on wearing, donning, and doffing masks and respirators that protect from coronavirus.