Professional services, software license and online content agreements
Learn how to buy professional services, software licenses or online content.
Who is responsible for purchasing professional services, software licenses or online content for the City?
OCA has delegated City departments with the authority to solicit and negotiate contracts professional services, software licenses or online content. However, the resulting contract must generally be approved by OCA.
Can I purchase professional services, software licenses or online content using a stand-alone PO or do I need a contract?
Unlike commodities and general services, purchases for professional services, software licenses or online content, regardless of amount, generally require a contract because they can pose a higher element of risk and liability to City relative to the purchase of simple commodities and general services. Departments may, at their option, ask their City attorney to waive this requirement and allow them to issue a stand-alone purchase order using City's standard purchase order terms and conditions.
Where can I learn more about issuing contracts for professional services, software licenses or online content?
Click on the resource tile below to learn more about issuing contracts for professional services, software licenses or online content.