Shanell Williams

Director of Community Engagement and Partnerships

California Preterm Birth Initiative
Shanell Williams photo

Shanell Williams is the Chair of the Our City, Our Home (Prop C) Oversight Committee, Director of Community Engagement and for the California Preterm Birth Initiative at UCSF, and President of the Board of Trustees at City College of San Francisco. Over the past 20 years, Shanell has served thousands of San Franciscans as an informed, passionate, and dedicated public advocate, nonprofit leader, and community organizer. From mentoring youth trapped in cycles of incarceration—to saving city college from a near loss of accreditation and closure — Shanell has worked tirelessly to improve all San Franciscan’s quality of life. She has worked for numerous nonprofit agencies and labor organizations dedicated to serving marginalized, low-income communities such as the Young Women's Freedom Center, Youth Leadership Institute, UNITE HERE Local 2, Jobs with Justice SF, and Urban Services YMCA.