Getting to Zero San Francisco (GTZ-SF)

GTZ-SF is a consortium of diverse stakeholders working together to prevent new HIV infections and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV.

Getting to Zero San Francisco logo


Getting to Zero San Francisco is a consortium of 300+ individual community members and advocates, community-based organizations, educational institutions, industry partners, government agencies, and providers – public and private – from different disciplines who work together to achieve the vision to make the City and County of San Francisco the first jurisdiction with zero new HIV infections, zero HIV stigma, and zero preventable deaths among people living with HIV.

Strategic Aims

Getting to Zero San Francisco aims to:

·         Improve health for persons at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco

·         Develop and implement innovative programs with a priority placed on equity and demonstrate impact with measurable objectives

·         Secure multi-sector funding and support for existing and new programs

·         Exchange best practices with other cities

The Getting to Zero San Francisco Consortium is committed to dismantling racism and institutional bias in systems and practices and re-envisioning a model of HIV prevention and care that supports all San Franciscans.


Reduce HIV acquisition and HIV-related deaths in San Francisco. Improve the quality of life for people living with HIV.

For more information, visit


