Racial Equity Plan

The Office of Economic and Workforce Development’s (OEWD) plan to identify and address inequities within the department

Systemic racism has caused tremendous harm to Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) who live and work in our City. OEWD is committed to interrupting cycles of racial trauma, eliminating racial disparities, and ensuring economic self-sufficiency for all San Franciscans. This work starts with addressing the historical impact of policies, initiatives and investments that have contributed to racial inequity, and redoubling our efforts to support the most vulnerable members of our community.

In 2020, following the guidance of the San Francisco Office of Racial Equity, OEWD began building staff and leadership infrastructure to identify and address any inequities within OEWD and to help guide the development of a Racial Equity Action Plan.


OEWD Racial Equity Action Plan - Phase 1

OEWD Racial Equity Action Plan - Phase 1

In Phase 1 of this report, we look at internal workforce development conditions in 7 key areas:

  1. Hiring and recruitment
  2. Retention and promotion
  3. Discipline and separation
  4. Diverse and equitable leadership and management
  5. Mobility and professional development
  6. Organizational culture of inclusion and belonging
  7. Boards and commissions
Appendix A: Staff Survey Results

Ordinance No. 188-19 gave ORE the authority to develop templates and assessment tools to frame the racial equity work and standardize the approach across the City. In July 2020, ORE distributed a RE Action Plan template to all City and County of San Francisco departments. The template required each department to produce a staff survey where staff may share their perspectives on organizational climate and commitment to racial equity.

Appendix B: Department Goals Creation

Completed in 2020.

Appendix C: Action Plan Feedback Survey

Created by the Racial Equity Community Engagement Sub-Committee and administered with Racial Equity Action Plan Phase I review sessions in November through December 2020.

Appendix D: Vulnerable Populations Engagement Survey

The Office of Racial Equity works with San Francisco City agencies to explore how laws, policies, and programs perpetuate racial inequities within government and in community and challenge those departments to end those practices. This assessment provides an opportunity to succinctly examine how OEWD partners and supports San Francisco's vulnerable populations.

Appendix E: Vulnerable Populations Engagement Assessment

This document accompanies the Vulnerable Populations Engagement Assessment Survey.


OEWD Racial Equity Action Plan - 2022 Update

As of January 2023, OEWD is two years into implementation of the three-year OEWD Racial Equity Action Plan Phase. OEWD’s Racial Equity Working Group is proud of the accomplishments reflected in this year’s Annual Update linked below. Our racial equity work continues to be a staff-led, department-wide effort that engages staff across all levels of the organization in unique and meaningful ways.

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