
Apply for a temporary permit to host a body art event

Get a temporary permit to host a tattoo, body piercing, and permanent cosmetics fair or festival.



Check fee schedule for the application fee

Permits you need for a special event

You need a permit to operate a body art booth or host a special event. If you are not currently licensed to perform body art in San Francisco, you will also need a temporary permit to practice.



California Health and Safety Code Article 7 and San Francisco Health Code Article 40 require permits for body art performed at special events such as fairs or festivals. If you are hosting an event with body art, learn more about health and safety requirements.

1. Complete the application packet

2. Include a copy of your practitioner's license

If you do not have a current San Francisco Tattoo Practitioner License, submit an application for a temporary permit for the event.

3. Collect practitioner information

For each body art practitioner, provide their:

  • Full name
  • Registration number so we can confirm they have a license to practice in San Francisco

If they do not have a current San Francisco Tattoo Practitioner License, submit an application for a temporary permit for each practitioner.

4. Gather additional documents

  • Tattoo Consent Form with your business name and address on it
  • Tattoo After Care Instructions
  • Exposure Control Plan
  • A floor plan or layout for existing tattoo establishments. This can be drawn by hand.

5. Pay the application fee

Write a check for the application fee payable to the SF Department of Public Health.

6. Submit your application

Deliver your materials in person or by mail to:

Environmental Health BranchTattoo, Body Piercing and Permanent Cosmetics
49 South Van Ness Ave., Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103



Make a complaint

If you would like to make a complaint about a tattoo, body piercing or permanent cosmetic business or practitioner, call 311.