DPA Dashboard
To showcase the numbers pertaining to the complaints we received and closed.
Data notes and sources
Most investigations begin with a complaint from the public. DPA investigators listen to the nature of each complaint and draft allegations to reflect the viewpoint of the person complaining. These are called primary allegations.
DPA may also bring additional allegations based on facts learned through investigations. For example, during an excessive force investigation, DPA might discover that a procedural irregularity occurred. DPA may then bring confidential secondary allegations, known as “DPA-added” allegations. At the conclusion of a case, complainants learn the outcome of all primary allegations. The outcome of secondary allegations are kept confidential as required by state law.
Most cases present a combination of issues, which can lead to multiple allegations per officer per case. The categories of allegations include:
Unwarranted Action occurs when an officer does something unnecessary under the circumstances or that does not effect a legitimate police purpose. Unwarranted action includes citations and arrests made without cause.
Unnecessary Force occurs when an officer uses more force than is reasonably necessary to perform a necessary police action. Uses of force include physical restraint techniques and pointing a weapon at a person. DPA investigates all officer-involved shootings resulting in injury to a person, regardless of a complaint being filed.
Neglect of Duty occurs when an officers fails to do something required by law or regulation. Officers must follow federal, state, and local rules. Neglect of Duty includes an officer’s failure to write an incident report when a person reports a crime.
Conduct Unbecoming an Officer is an act which reflects badly on the police department and undermines public confidence. 2020 sexual and racial slurs were added under this allegation type.
The final three categories are Sexual Slurs, Racial Slurs, and Discourtesy. Slurs include language or behavior meant to belittle or defame a person based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Discourtesy is behavior or language known to cause offense, particularly an officer’s use of profanity.
Data notes and sources
Allegations are resolved either through mediation or investigation.
In mediation, the person who complained has the opportunity to meet with officers in a neutral setting under the guidance of trained mediators. All sides are given the opportunity to discuss and hear each other's perspectives. Mediation often leads to a mutual understanding and increased satisfaction.
Investigations involve a thorough gathering of evidence and questioning of officers. At the conclusion of an investigation, DPA determines if misconduct occurred and recommends discipline as appropriate. Discipline can range from a written reprimand up to termination and fines. DPA may also recommend admonishments and retraining, which are not considered disciplinary.