Child Care Health Program (CCHP)
We serve children ages 0-5 years old in San Francisco preschools, family child care homes, and family resource centers, along with their families and providers.
Child Care Health Program (CCHP)
We serve children ages 0-5 years old in San Francisco preschools, family child care homes, and family resource centers, along with their families and providers.
Child Care Health Program (CCHP)
We're here to help child care providers and families in San Francisco neighborhoods with health, safety advice, checkups, training, and getting ready for emergencies.服務
Health screenings for children in Child Care Centers (CCC) and Family Child Care (FCC) Homes
Helpful Resources
Active living
Find information on activities for children ages 0-5, families, and more.
Asthma and air quality
Find information on air quality, and green cleaning for child care providers.
Dental-Oral Health
Find dentists in San Francisco County and California. Information on fluoride varnish, Prevent Tooth Decay in Babies and Toddlers, and more.
Disease prevention
Find information on whooping cough, pest management, and more.
Early childhood immunization
Find information on immunization/vaccines and more.
Emergency preparedness
Find information on emergency and disaster preparedness for families and child care providers.
Healthy eating
Find information on nutrition and ways to encourage healthy food and drink choices for children.
Injury prevention
Find information on preventing child falls, cleaning product safety, vehicle safety and more.
Steps to protect your child from lead
Easy steps parents can take to protect their children from lead poisoning
Poison control
Find information on poison prevention and more.
Positive parenting
Find information on ways to help children have a positive childhood and more.
Additional Resources
Our Partners
Child Health & Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program
CHDP sunset on July 1st, 2024
Healthy Apple Program
Supports child care educators implement best practices in nutrition and physical activity for children ages 0-5.
Department of Early Childhood Provider Portal
All the resources and information early care and education providers who are part of the Early Learning San Francisco (ELS) network need.
Children’s Environmental Health Promotion Program
Promotes conditions optimal for children's health and development.
San Francisco Human Services Agency Child Abuse Reporting
Report suspected child abuse or neglect.
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health
We provide services to pregnant people and families with children and we collaborate with health professionals to improve care.
Our main goals are to make sure San Francisco children are healthy and safe.
We do this by connecting childcare providers with health resources in a strong and teamwork-focused way, using a complete and well-organized system.
了解更多關於我們的信息CCHP Public Health Nurses
Charge NurseXin (Katie) LiuPublic Health Nurse (PHN) - BSN, RN(Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Shanghainese)
CCHP Hearing Health Consultants
Hayley KrissCertified School Audiometrist, MPH
Katie DellaMariaProgram Manager, MSN, PHN, RN
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health333 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA 94103
San Francisco, CA 94103
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