DPH Onboarding
Get things like email, Epic access, Active Directory, orientation, and training for DPH workforce*
Avatar access
Follow this process if you also need Avatar access.
*Workforce means:
Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for a covered entity or business associate, is under the direct control of such covered entity or business associate, whether or not they are paid by the covered entity or business associate.
1) Get POI number
- Complete POI request form
- Submit completed POI request form to cherry.tactay@sfdph.org
- DPH and CCSF employees
- UCSF affiliated
See Special Cases section below for exception details.
2) Submit Onboarding request
- Complete Onboarding request form
- Submit Onboarding request form to dph.onboarding@sfdph.org
- Review Onboarding calendar
- Most DPH employees
- BHS CBO uploaders
See Special Cases section below for exception details.
DPH employees
- No POI# needed, employees will use their DSW # (HR will obtain this for you during the hiring process).
- HR will submit the Onboarding request form for most employees, confirmation should be sent to your supervisor within the timeframe indicated on the Onboarding calendar.
- Supervisors: for new hires, rehires and transfers, please wait until after the NEO date indicated on the Onboarding calendar before following up or submitting requests to Onboarding for DPH email, Epic Training or access to Epic.
UCSF affiliated
Follow UCSF’s DPH Epic Onboarding instructions
(Must be on UCSF or DPH networks to open link above.)
CCSF employees
No POI# needed, City employees will use their DSW # (HR will obtain this for you during the hiring process).
Students and residents
Epic access will be extended to students and residents that rotate at least 40 hours on a DPH campus.
Dietary, Occupational, Physical and Speech Language Therapy, Social Work and Pharmacy currently have functional Epic Templates. Nursing will receive Read Only access.
BHS CBO uploaders
Complete this version of the onboarding request form:
CBO uploader onboarding request form
Same form, simplified:
- some fields are auto-filled
- greyed out fields are not required for CBHS Uploaders
- screen tips added to fields that are required for CBHS Uploaders
SFDPH Onboarding
dph.onboarding@sfdph.orgSFDPH Help Desk
Avatar access
Follow this process if you also need Avatar access.
*Workforce means:
Employees, volunteers, trainees, and other persons whose conduct, in the performance of work for a covered entity or business associate, is under the direct control of such covered entity or business associate, whether or not they are paid by the covered entity or business associate.
1) Get POI number
- Complete POI request form
- Submit completed POI request form to cherry.tactay@sfdph.org
- DPH and CCSF employees
- UCSF affiliated
See Special Cases section below for exception details.
2) Submit Onboarding request
- Complete Onboarding request form
- Submit Onboarding request form to dph.onboarding@sfdph.org
- Review Onboarding calendar
- Most DPH employees
- BHS CBO uploaders
See Special Cases section below for exception details.
DPH employees
- No POI# needed, employees will use their DSW # (HR will obtain this for you during the hiring process).
- HR will submit the Onboarding request form for most employees, confirmation should be sent to your supervisor within the timeframe indicated on the Onboarding calendar.
- Supervisors: for new hires, rehires and transfers, please wait until after the NEO date indicated on the Onboarding calendar before following up or submitting requests to Onboarding for DPH email, Epic Training or access to Epic.
UCSF affiliated
Follow UCSF’s DPH Epic Onboarding instructions
(Must be on UCSF or DPH networks to open link above.)
CCSF employees
No POI# needed, City employees will use their DSW # (HR will obtain this for you during the hiring process).
Students and residents
Epic access will be extended to students and residents that rotate at least 40 hours on a DPH campus.
Dietary, Occupational, Physical and Speech Language Therapy, Social Work and Pharmacy currently have functional Epic Templates. Nursing will receive Read Only access.
BHS CBO uploaders
Complete this version of the onboarding request form:
CBO uploader onboarding request form
Same form, simplified:
- some fields are auto-filled
- greyed out fields are not required for CBHS Uploaders
- screen tips added to fields that are required for CBHS Uploaders
SFDPH Onboarding
dph.onboarding@sfdph.orgSFDPH Help Desk