Fill out water use forms
Forms for water fixtures, new fire sprinkler systems, or new utility lines.
If your construction project includes any water fixtures, fill out the Fixture Count Form.
Upload it with your building permit application or attach it to your proposed plan set.
If you have any questions, see more at SFPUC Capacity Charges.
In-house projects
If your project will take more than 1 hour to review, we will review it “in-house”.
For all in-house permits, a SFPUC Checklist is required.
Fill out the SFPUC Checklist.
Fire sprinkler systems
If you are installing fire sprinklers, fill out the Request for Water Flow form.
Upload it with your building permit application or bring it to your appointment.
Read more about water flow from the Fire Department.
If your project requires a new water service, follow these instructions for Water Service Installation.
For the appropriate forms to complete, contact SFPUC Customer Services’ New Service Installations
New utility lines can take more than 2 years.
Capacity Charge group
If your construction project includes any water fixtures, fill out the Fixture Count Form.
Upload it with your building permit application or attach it to your proposed plan set.
If you have any questions, see more at SFPUC Capacity Charges.
In-house projects
If your project will take more than 1 hour to review, we will review it “in-house”.
For all in-house permits, a SFPUC Checklist is required.
Fill out the SFPUC Checklist.
Fire sprinkler systems
If you are installing fire sprinklers, fill out the Request for Water Flow form.
Upload it with your building permit application or bring it to your appointment.
Read more about water flow from the Fire Department.
If your project requires a new water service, follow these instructions for Water Service Installation.
For the appropriate forms to complete, contact SFPUC Customer Services’ New Service Installations
New utility lines can take more than 2 years.
Capacity Charge group