
Get job and career services

The City offers a full range of job and career services to San Francisco residents through job centers, training programs, and an online jobs portal.




Available resources:

  • Job search help
  • Career planning
  • Hiring events
  • Access to education, job training, and skills certification courses
  • Computer and internet access


1. Learn about the zero-cost job and career services available to you.

Job Centers

If you don't know where to start, find a job center near you to get access to many job and career services. The City supports both job centers specifically for youth and job centers for adults, including those with special needs.

Youth job centers have programs designed just for people between the ages of 16 and 24. Learn more by clicking below.

Adult job centers are located throughout San Francisco. Some job centers offer career services just for people with special needs, such as veterans, people with disabilities, immigrants or refugees, LGBTQI people, and people experiencing homelessness. Learn more by clicking below.

Training programs

Get trained and certified for a job in construction, healthcare, hospitality, technology, or transportation.

2. Make a plan with a Job Center case manager.

Once you sign up at a local job center or submit an interest form for a training program, a case manager will help you create a plan to help you reach your job and career goals. This includes recommending services, activities, and hiring events that are zero-cost.

3. Sign up for WorkforceLinkSF.

Create an account on our job search website to search and apply for local job openings and opportunities.

Workforce equity

The Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) promotes prosperity for all residents, including the unemployed, underemployed and hard-to-employ residents, by training and connecting San Franciscans to sustainable jobs with career growth opportunities.

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