Principles and Standards of Ethical Purchasing Conduct
The Office of Contract Administration (OCA) subscribes to the California Association of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO)’s Standards of Procurement Practice.
Standards of Procurement Practice
- To regard public service as a sacred trust, giving primary consideration to the interests of the public agency that employs us.
- To purchase without prejudice, seeking to obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended.
- To avoid unfair practices, giving all qualified vendors equal opportunity.
- To honor our obligations and require that obligations to our public agency be honored.
- To accord vendor representatives courteous treatment, remembering that these representatives are important sources of information and assistance in solving our procurement needs.
- To refuse to accept any form of commercial bribery, and prevent any appearance of so doing.
- To be receptive to counsel from our colleagues, and to cooperate with them to promote a spirit of teamwork and unity.
- To conduct ourselves with fairness and dignity, and to demand honesty and truth in the procurement process.
- To strive for greater knowledge of procurement methods and of the materials we purchase.
- To cooperate with all organizations and individuals involved in activities designed to enhance the development of the procurement profession, remembering that our actions reflect on the entire procurement profession.