
PRIOR YEARS: Budget Process Documents for FY 2023 & 2024

This is an archive of the budget documents from past fiscal years. Fiscal years run from July 1 to June 30.



Five Year Financial Plan

The offices of the Mayor, Controller, and the Board of Supervisors' Budget and Legislative Analyst (BLA) forecast revenue and spending for the next five years. Every other year, the remaining four years are updated as the Joint Report.

Mayor Policy Instructions and Controller's Technical Instructions

The Mayor’s instructions to departments on balancing gaps between revenue and spending.

Budget Instructions Forms for Fiscal Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

Mayor's Policy Instructions & Controller’s Technical Instructions

Fiscal Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

FY24 and FY25 Department Budget Meetings

Departments solicit public feedback on budget priorities and proposed budgets.

Six-Month Budget Status Report

Revenue and spending updates for the current fiscal year compared to the approved budget based on the first half of the year. 

Department Budget Submissions

Departments submit their proposed budgets to the Mayor, Controller, and Board of Supervisors, by March 1 each year. 

Budget Outlook Update (March Joint Report)

The offices of the Mayor, Controller, and the Board of Supervisors' Budget and Legislative Analyst (BLA) update revenue and spending forecast for the next five years. Every other year, the remaining four years are updated as the Joint Report.

Mayor’s Budget Priorities

The Mayor’s priorities for the budget for the next two years.

Mayor’s Proposed May 1st Budget for Selected Departments

Mayor's Proposed Budget for 12 selected City departments for the next two years.

Mayor’s Proposed May 1st Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Selected Departments

Interim legislation on revenue and spending for 12 selected City departments.

Mayor’s Proposed May 1st Annual Salary Ordinance for Selected Departments

Interim legislation for staffing positions in 12 selected City departments.

Nine-Month Budget Status Report FY 21-22

Interim expenditure and revenue information and projections as of March 31, 2022.

Mayor’s Proposed Budget - June

Mayor’s proposed budget for the next two fiscal years.

Mayor’s Interim Annual Salary Ordinance - June

Interim legislation for staffing positions in City departments.

Mayor’s Interim Annual Appropriation Ordinance - June

Interim legislation for City departments on revenue and spending.

Revenue Letter - June

Controller’s discussion of revenue assumptions in the Mayor’s proposed budget.

Budget and Appropriations Committee Salary Ordinance

Budget and Appropriations Committee amended interim legislation for staffing positions in City departments.

Budget and Appropriations Committee Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Budget and Appropriations Committee amended interim legislation for City departments on revenue and spending.

Annual Salary Ordinance

Final legislation authorizing department staffing for the coming fiscal year.

Annual Appropriation Ordinance

Final legislation for City department on revenue and spending. 

Mayor’s Proposed June 1st Budget, FY 2023-2024 & FY 2024-2025

Mayor’s proposed budget for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 & 2024-2025. 

