
Actions on Job Classifications

The following classification actions are being posted in accordance with Civil Service Rules 109, 209 and 309. As provided under San Francisco Charter Section 10.103, the Human Resources Director has the duty and authority to establish a system of job classification and to allocate each position to a job class. This includes the authority to make changes to the Classification Plan, including creating new classifications; abolishing, or consolidating classifications; or amending classification specifications as necessary.

Proposed classification actions are posted for seven calendar days. The proposed actions become effective on the eighth calendar day following the posting date unless a protest is submitted to the Human Resources Director prior to the end of the posting period.

The Human Resources Director will review and resolve all timely protests filed during this period. The decision of the Human Resources Director is appealable to the Civil Service Commission. Refer to the Civil Service Rules for more information on filing appeals of the Human Resources Director's determinations.
