Juvenile Probation Department Data Portal
Data Dashboards
For over 20 years, the San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department (JPD) published an annual data report on various juvenile justice system metrics. Beginning in 2022, JPD’s annual data report was replaced by interactive data dashboards. Interactive data dashboards allow users to view all available data, or filter by a time period of interest. This facilitates ease of comparison of current data to historical data. JPD has been a leader in data transparency, and we aim to continue innovating in this space. JPD data belongs to the community, and we remain committed to data transparency.
These statistics depict the juvenile justice system in San Francisco at a high level. They do not adequately represent the young people behind these numbers or their experiences.
About the Dashboards
Dashboards display historical data dating as far back as data is available and reliable. Historical data was obtained from previous JPD annual reports. In recent years, JPD has expanded the scope of our data reporting. In some cases, measurement has also changed to better reflect the juvenile case process. New or changed metrics are not available in prior annual reports. Due to prior record sealing practices and court-ordered record destruction, we are unable to re-analyze data from earlier years as many records have been destroyed.
Charts reflect statistics specific to the time period selected on the dashboard. When no time period is selected, statistics reflect all years of available data. When no data is available for the time period selected, charts will not display. It is recommended that dashboards are viewed on a large screen (i.e., desktop, laptop) for the best possible user experience.
Disclaimer: These dashboards were developed to increase transparency and accessibility of JPD data. JPD makes its best effort to ensure the accuracy of data. However, data are susceptible to error. The numbers and estimates reflected in these dashboards are subject to change over time as data is updated and revised.
Privacy and Confidentiality
JPD is required by law to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals represented in these data. Our caution extends to when we report statistics involving small numbers of people. The dashboards in this data portal follow the guidance of the San Francisco Chief Data Officer to the greatest extent possible, which recommends not reporting on population subgroups smaller than 11. For example, if there were less than 11 admissions to Juvenile Hall for multiple racial/ethnic groups, they would be combined to create an “Other” race/ethnicity category.
Dashboard Sections
- Admissions to Juvenile Hall
- Population in the Juvenile Justice Center
- Length of Stay for Youth Released from the Juvenile Justice Center
- Juvenile Arrests/Referrals to JPD
- Petitions Filed and Outcomes
- Connection to Programs
- Youth on Active Caseload
- Historical Average Daily Population in the Juvenile Justice Center
Learn more about the juvenile case process here.
Dashboards User Guide
- To learn more about the data displayed: Scroll to the section below the dashboard titled Data notes and sources. Click the + button on the right-hand side to expand the data notes. Data notes and sources will include more information about definitions, measurement, and additional data considerations.
- To filter by time period: Select the checkbox next to the time period you would like to view. For charts that display data by month, click the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the year to expand months. To select more than one time period (e.g., 2021 & 2022), hold down the Ctrl button and select multiple months or years of data.
- To clear a filtered time period: Either click the filtered time period again to un-check the box, or hover over the right-hand side of the filter box until a Clear selections eraser icon appears. Click the eraser to clear selections.
- To view an underlying data point: To learn more about a data point within a data visualization (e.g., girls admitted), hover over the data point and the underlying data populating the visualization will display.
- To view underlying data as a table: Right-click any data point on a chart that displays data by month or by year and select Show as table. To return to the original view of the dashboard, select Back to report.
- To increase the size of dashboards: Navigate to the bottom of the dashboard. Click the button on the right-hand side of the screen that says Open in new window. This will open a new tab or window. To return to the original view of the dashboard, close this window and return to the original.
Dashboards developed by Celina Cuevas, PhD – Research & Planning Unit