
Start your Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) application online

If your project is for an ADU using the State or Hybrid Program, or if you have received an Approval Letter for an ADU using the Local Program, start your application online.



Permit fees cost 6% to 9% of building costs. We will send you instructions after you apply. You must pay your fees online.

Approval Letter

Details on how to get an Approval Letter from SF Planning for an ADU using the Local Program.


We will review your application and get back to you about next steps within 14 days.


1. Check if your project qualifies for this application

We accept applications for ADUs and work related to ADU construction like:

  • Expansions required for an ADU
  • Excavations required for an ADU
  • New construction for a detached ADU
  • Interior remodel work to create independent access to the ADU

Do not use this application if your project includes:

  • New construction of a single-family home
  • New construction of a multi-unit building
  • Expansion of existing building
  • New construction of a separate building
  • Legalizations
  • Demolition of an existing structure to make room for an ADU

Do not use this page for unit legalization or new construction of more than an ADU. If your project includes demolition, you will also need to follow the in-house review process with the Department of Building Inspection.

2. Gather your project team information

We will ask you for:

  • Your role on the project
  • Billing contact information
  • Property owner authorization

3. Gather your project location information

We will ask you about your project location:

  • Street address
  • Existing and proposed dwelling units
  • Present and proposed use

4. Gather your project details

We will ask you for your project details including:

  • Estimated construction cost
  • Front facade changes
  • Horizontal extensions
  • Adding height
  • Extending beyond the property line
  • Excavation or repairing or replacing the building’s foundation

We will ask you about your ADUs including:

  • Proposed ADUs unit type and square footage
  • What space you are converting to your ADUs

We process ADUs as full permits, not site permits. If you would like to request a site permit, note this on your project plans.

5. Submit your application

Complete the form with all the required information.

You will also need to upload:

* Only for ADUs using the Local Program.

Once you have completed everything above and gathered your documents, click the submit your building permit application link below to upload your permit application and supporting documents using our online portal.

To help ensure you are including all the necessary information and documentation, here's a checklist Building Inspection staff use when evaluating your application for completeness. Please note that this is just DBI's checklist and other City departments may have additional requirements. Also, this checklist is only a guide as the required information and documentation may vary depending on the scope of the project.

Projects located on properties with an active notice of violation will be routed to the relevant DBI Inspections Services division for review and processing. DBI staff will work with you to either identify what needs to be done to address the code violation and/or authorize the permit application to be processed.

Go here for additional information on how to fix your building and housing code violation.

If you have questions or need assistance in submitting your application, please contact: SFplanreview@sfgov.org.

Apply for a building permit

6. Receive your confirmation letters

Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email indicating that your permit application was successfully transmitted.

You will receive a second confirmation email with a permit application number so you can check your application status in real time using the online Permit Tracking System.

7. Get your completeness review

After your project has been assigned a permit application number, we will review your submission to confirm that it is complete and all the requisite materials have been included. 

Once that review is complete, we will email you a letter indicating that your application is complete and accepted, or that additional information is required before the application will be accepted for review.

See sample letters:

You will also receive an email with a link to pay your permit filing fee. We will not begin to review your permit application and supporting documents until the permit filing fee is paid.

8. Get your application and plans reviewed

Once you have paid the filing fee, the City will review your building permit application, design, and supporting documents for code compliance and provide comments or approve the application.

9. Participate in a Permit Review Roundtable session, if applicable

ADU projects submitted under the State or Hybrid Programs will be identified as eligible for a Permit Review Roundtable session, a virtual plan review meeting with the project’s design professional, and City representatives from the Department of Building Inspection, the Planning Department, Public Works, SF Fire and the Public Utilities Commission. There is no additional fee for this service.

After receiving a Completeness Letter and paying their permit fees, project sponsors will receive an email with the time, date and a link to their virtual Permit Review Roundtable. The project’s design professional is required to attend the virtual meeting. The property owner or project sponsor are welcome, but not required, to attend.

During the meeting, a comprehensive set of all the City’s plan review comments will be provided to the design professional so they can make revisions, ask and answer questions, and get additional clarification on code compliance and requirements.

10. Respond to Comments

Once you respond to the comments, the relevant City departments will review your responses and provide additional comments or approve the application. If you are eligible for the Permit Review Roundtable, this will all be done at a second meeting scheduled by DBI.

During plan review, it may be determined that you are required to get a California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal OSHA) Industrial Safety Permit for excavation if your project meets the following criteria:

  • Construction or demolition of any building, structure, falsework or scaffolding more than 36 feet or three stories high.
  • Construction of trenches or excavations which are five feet or deeper and into which a person is required to descend.

Go here for more information or visit your local Cal OSHA district office to obtain your Industrial Safety Permit.

11. Obtain your permit

Once your permit application and supporting documents are approved, we will send you the following:


Then we will send you invoices and a payment link for any potential fees that may due, including:

  • Extension invoice if you are extending your permit.
  • Addendum filing fee invoice for Site Permit projects.


Once you pay any potential fees, we'll send you links of your approved documents.

Full Permit applicants will receive a Job Card authorizing the start of construction.

  • A separate mechanical, electrical or plumbing permit may be required. These trade permit applications are available at the Permit Center Help Desk on the 2nd Floor of 49 South Van Ness. Many California licensed contractors who have registered with DBI can also obtain these permits online.



DBI Customer service


Planning Department ADU Team
