
Citywide ADA Grievance Procedure

MOD Grievance Procedure

The City and County of San Francisco has a grievance procedure to provide resolution of complaints alleging noncompliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and parts of the California Building Code (Title 24).

Employment-related ADA complaints fall under Title I of the ADA. You can file an employment-related ADA complaint with the Department of Human Resources Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).

Public places like restaurants, stores, movie theaters, etc. are covered by Title III of the ADA. You can file an accessibility complaint about one of these places with the Human Rights Commission or directly with the establishment.


MOD Grievance Procedure

You can file a complaint under Title II of the ADA with the Mayor’s Office on Disability within 180 calendar days of experiencing an accessibility violation.

You can file a complaint online, by phone, fax, or dropping it off in-person.

Phone Number: 415-554-6789

Online form

In-person: 1155 Market St, First Floor

When submitting your complaint be prepared to provide the following information:

  • statement of the problem
  • the location
  • date and time
  • your name
  • your contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address)
  • any other information you would like to provide

You can also file a complaint anonymously.

Note: You will not receive follow-up on anonymous complaints.


Confirmation of receipt

You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 3 business days. The confirmation will include: a description of the investigation process and response timelines. MOD will send the relevant City department a copy of the complaint.



The City department will have 30 business days to investigate and provide a resolution response. Depending on the nature of the complaint, some situations may be resolved in fewer than 30 days.

If the department needs more information from you, they will contact you within 10 business days.

If the department is not able to provide an investigation response within 30 business days, they must request an extension from MOD.

The request for an extension must include the reasons for the request. MOD will evaluate the request within 5 business days. If MOD grants an extension, the department will provide a status update to you.



The City department will send a resolution response to the constituent within 30 business days or within the timeframe of any extension that has been granted.

  • The department will send a draft response to MOD within 25 business days.
  • MOD will review the response and provide any recommended changes to the department within 5 business days

If the department determines that no accessibility violation occurred, the department will provide you and MOD with a detailed written explanation of the reasons for its determination.

If the department has resolved the accessibility violation, they will provide you and MOD with a written response. You will receive this response within 30 business days or within the period of extension.

If an accessibility violation is found, but a resolution is not possible within 30 business days, the department will provide you with an implementation plan. The implementation plan will include:

  • a description of what will be implemented, removed, or changed
  • timelines for completion
  • the contact information for the person responsible for carrying out the plan