
Hosting Accessible Events

A step-by-step checklist with instructions and resources.

People with disabilities must be able to enjoy the same goods, activities, services, and benefits as other members of the public. You are responsible for making sure your paths of travel, surfaces, drop off zones, restrooms, shelter, and event notices are accessible. Any seating, vendors, exhibits, and assembly/performance areas that will be part of your event must be accessible. Effective communication for people with disabilities may include printed materials, assistive listening devices, captioning, sign language interpreters, virtual accessibility, and staff preparation.


Plan your site

Event site should have accessible parking and paths of travel that lead to all of the event's offerings.

Find detailed information about planning an accessible site here 


Make your announcements accessible

All notices and announcements for public meetings or events must be accessible. Notices should have a description of any accessibility features that will be available.

Find detailed information about making announcements accessible here


Prepare your staff and volunteers

All staff and volunteers should have a basic awareness of disability issues.

Find detailed information about preparing staff and volunteers here


Make your set-up accessible

Consider the nature of your event and what kind of seating you will have. Paths of travel, seating, and performance areas, are all part of an accessible set-up

Find detailed information about making your set-up accessible here 


Make your features accessible

Displays, exhibits, kiosks, and accessible restrooms must be along an accessible route. Food, drinks, merchandise, or services offered by a vendor must also be accessible. 

Find detailed information about making your event features accessible here


Make your communication accessible

Some people use different ways to communicate. Event organizers must be able to provide this as needed, depending on the size of the event and/or upon request.

Find detailed information about providing effective communication here


Create an access plan

An access plan says how your event is accessible. This makes it easy for both your staff and event goers to know accessibility information.

Find detailed information on what should be in your access plan here.