Overview of Appeal Process
Next steps after an appeal is filed. How to file a rehearing request if you do not agree with the decision by this Board.
Write your brief
Filing a brief helps the commissioners and permit/determination holder understand and address your issues and concerns.
Explain to the Board why you think the permit or decision is invalid or how you believe it should be modified.
Explain what action you want the Board to take.
Your brief must conform to the Board's requirements (maximum 12-pages, double-spaced and a minimum 12-point font; unlimited exhibits are permitted but no arguments can be made on an exhibit). Briefs that do not conform to the Board's requirements may be rejected or redacted.
You must submit your brief by the deadline.
The permit or determination holder will have a chance to respond to your brief.
All briefs must be submitted to boardofappeals@sfgov.org and the other parties.
Please feel free to contact the Board staff if you have any questions.
Have an appeal hearing
Board hearings take place in Room 416 of SF City Hall. The parties and the public may also attend remotely via Zoom or by telephone.
What to expect at your hearing:
Each party will have 7 minutes to present their case and 3 minutes for rebuttal.
Members of the public can also comment.
The Board usually makes a decision on the night of the hearing.
Most decisions become effective 13 days after the hearing, unless one of the parties makes a rehearing request.
You have the right to request an interpreter for a hearing. Please make the request as soon as you know you need one, but no later than 48-hours in advance of the hearing.
Request a rehearing
In order to get a rehearing request granted, you must show new evidence that could have changed the outcome of the appeal or establish that there is manifest injustice.
Rehearing Requests are not allowed for certain types of permits. Please check with the Board Office.
1. The Rehearing Request must be filed within 12 days of the Board's decision.
2. When requesting a rehearing, a statement must be submitted to the Board explaining why the appeal should be reheard. This statement can be up to six (6) double-spaced pages in length, with unlimited exhibits, and must conform to the briefing requirements in the Rules.
3. The other party may submit a response to the Rehearing Request no later than ten (10) days from the date the request was filed. This response may be up to six (6) double-spaced pages in length with unlimited exhibits and must conform to the briefing requirements in the Rules.
4. At the hearing, each party will have 3 minutes to address the Board and no rebuttal.
5. If a rehearing request is granted then a new appeal hearing date will be scheduled.
6. The cost to file a rehearing request is $150. Checks may be mailed to SF Board of Appeals, 49 South Van Ness Ave., Suite 1475, San Francisco, CA 94103. (Note: the fee may be waived if the requestor qualifies based on financial considerations).
Please email or call the Board Office at boardofappeals@sfgov.org or (628) 652-1150 if you have questions about this process.