
Submit a staff report for an MTA service-critical employee

MTA staff: Learn how to submit a staff report for a Civil Service Commission hearing.



  • You must get all of your materials to the MTA's Director of Transportation at least 11 days before the Civil Service Commission meeting
  • If you don't, the appeal may be postponed to the next scheduled meeting


This process only applies to appeals and requests for hearings from Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) employees who are classified as service-critical. For all other employees, you need to follow a different process: Prepare a staff report for the Civil Service Commission.

1. Check the Civil Service Commission calendar

Remember to submit the report at least 11 days before the next CSC calendar meeting.

Check the CSC calendar of upcoming meetings

2. Gather all the materials you need to submit

You need to have:

  • The staff report
  • One hardcopy and an electronic copy of the staff report
  • The completed transmittal form (CSC-22MTA)
  • A document that lists the names and addresses of all the people who need to be notified about this case


3. Bring the report to the MTA's Director of Transportation

Director of Transportation1 South Van Ness
Floor 7
San Francisco, CA 94102

You need to submit the report to the Director of Transportation or designee for signature. Then you will deliver a redacted hard-copy of the report to the Civil Service Commission.

What's next?

The Director of Transportation staff will look over the report. If it's accepted, the Civil Service Commission will add the topic of your report to the agenda of an upcoming meeting. They will let you know what the hearing date is.

If your report is not accepted, the MTA will contact you. 


25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 720
San Francisco, CA 94102
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