Food safety

We make sure food in San Francisco is safe for the public and provide food safety education, inspection, permitting, and other measures.

A customer holding a rolled-up plan stands at a counter while a Permit Center staff member is on the computer working on his intake. Both are masked.

Get your plan checked by the health department

Work with us before you do construction on a new or existing facility, like your restaurant or food truck.Go to our construction guide


Restaurants and handling food

Farmers' markets and agriculture

Apply to open or operate a certified farmers’ market
Get your certified farmers' market permit to operate and organize vendors in San Francisco.
Apply for a health permit to run a farmers' market
Get your certified farmers' market permit to operate and organize vendors in San Francisco.
Sell prepared or packaged food at a farmers' market in San Francisco
The health permit you need to operate depends on how your food is prepared, packaged, or sold.
Apply to sell produce you grow at a certified farmers’ market
Become a certified producer to sell your produce at any Certified Farmers’ Market (CFM) in California.
Register your culinary garden
If you have a restaurant garden, you can use its fruits and veggies in your kitchen if they are grown safely.
Register to apply pesticides for agricultural or structural pest control
Register to apply pesticides as a pest control operator, pest control advisor, or maintenance gardener in San Francisco. If you need a list of currently registered entities contact:
Sell goods at the Alemany Farmers Market
If you're an approved vendor, learn how to sell goods at the Farmers Market.
Apply to become an approved vendor at the Alemany Farmers Market
Register to become an approved vendor.
Reserve and pay for a stall at the Alemany Farmers Market
If you’re approved to sell goods at the Alemany Farmers Market, learn how to get a stall and pay for it.
Cancel your reservation at the Alemany Farmers Market
If you're a vendor and you can’t go to a market day you reserved, here's what to do.
Appeal an Alemany Farmers Market vendor decision
If you applied to sell at the Alemany Farmers Market and weren’t approved, you can ask us to reconsider our decision.
Appeal an Alemany Farmers Market violation
If you get a violation notice and don't think you deserve it, you can ask us to reconsider.
Apply for a tax benefit by using your property for urban agriculture
Get a tax benefit from the City if your property benefits the community through urban agriculture.

Report food poisoning

Tell us if you get sick from food. We'll investigate to keep others safe.Report an issue