Check rules about where you can have a Shared Space

See limits on where you can have a parklet, parking lane, or sidewalk Shared Space.

Qué saber

Existing permit holders

Many temporary Shared Spaces will need to be changed or removed. 

¿Qué hacer?

Check parking lane location limits

You cannot build a parklet or use the parking lane in: 

  • Red or blue curbs  
  • A bus stop or transit shelter  
  • 20 feet from incoming intersection or 8 feet from exiting intersections 
  • An existing bikeshare station, if the station cannot be moved to a nearby location 

See the Shared Spaces manual for more details. 

Check sidewalk location limits

Sidewalk depth 

You must maintain a 8-foot travel path on your sidewalk if physically feasible. 

If an 8-foot travel path is physically infeasible, we may allow a 6-foot travel path. Less than a 6-foot travel path is never permitted.

Fire access and safety 

Your Shared Space cannot block access to a fire escape, standpipe, or Fire Department connection. 

For fire escapes, 4 feet must remain clear of obstruction on both sides of the drop-down ladder. 

For standpipes and other Department connections, 3 feet must remain clear. 

(Exemptions may be allowed in some cases. We can work with you to apply for a Fire Clearance Inspection.) 

Curb ramps 

If your sidewalk has curb ramps, you must keep them clear and useable at all times.

End your pandemic Shared Space

If you have a pandemic Shared Spaces permit and you cannot use the parking lane or the sidewalk, you must remove your parklet and stop using the sidewalk.  

Follow our instructions to end your Shared Space.

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