Standard City contract and grant agreement templates
Select from the appropriate contract or grant agreement template for your transaction.
These documents contain attorney-client privileged information and are intended for City staff use only. City staff must ensure all instructions are removed before sharing a copy of any agreement with non City parties.
Recent Template Updates:
These templates were substantively updated In November 2023 (version 11-23). Review this Updated City Templates Memo (Version 11-23 Release) to see what changes were made. They were again updated in March 2023 (version 03-24) to update section numbers for certain labor-related City laws referenced in the templates, including City's Equal Benefits, HCAO, MCO and Sweatfree programs; City's Prevailing Wage laws, and requirements related to contractors' use of criminal and salary histories in making employment decisions.
Non technology contract templates
Technology contract templates
Business Associate Agreements
Contract amendment templates
Assigning a contract to a new party
Grant agreement templates
Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) templates