
Standard City contract and grant agreement templates

Select from the appropriate contract or grant agreement template for your transaction.

These documents contain attorney-client privileged information and are intended for City staff use only. City staff must ensure all instructions are removed before sharing a copy of any agreement with non City parties.

Recent Template Updates:

These templates were substantively updated In November 2023 (version 11-23). Review this Updated City Templates Memo (Version 11-23 Release) to see what changes were made. They were again updated in March 2023 (version 03-24) to update section numbers for certain labor-related City laws referenced in the templates, including City's Equal Benefits, HCAO, MCO and Sweatfree programs; City's Prevailing Wage laws, and requirements related to contractors' use of criminal and salary histories in making employment decisions.     


Non technology contract templates

P-600 Professional Services Agreement
The P-600 is the most commonly used template for Professional Services. It is designed to fit most situations.
P-601 Professional Services Agreement (with an individual contractor)
The P-601 template is an abbreviated form of the P-600 with sections relating to employees and subcontracting removed. This template may only be used for Agreements with an individual who has NO employees and NO subcontractors.
P-606 Professional Services Agreement (for Chapter 6 departments)
The P-606 is to be used by Chapter 6 departments when procuring professional services related to public works and improvements under Administrative Code Section 6.40. OCA does not maintain this template, nor approve Chapter 6 Professional Services contracts. The template is hosted by OCA as a courtesy to Chapter 6 departments.
P-607 Agreement with Public Entities
The P-607 is a variant of the P-600 with a primary purpose of serving as a starting point for agreements with public entities. Because many of the City’s standard terms and policies do not apply to governmental entities, this template gives instructions and guidance on how to approach those types of agreements.
P-615c Commodities Agreement
The P-615(c) may be used to purchase commodities. It is used primarily by OCA. If the commodity is being leased, include the Equipment Lease Terms Appendix.
P-615c Commodities Agreement (Preapproved - OCA Use Only)
The P-615c Commodities Agreement (Preapproved - OCA Use Only) is for the purchase commodities without City attorney review and approval. It can only be used by OCA under limited and defined circumstances. If the commodity is being leased, include the Equipment Lease Terms Appendix.
P-615g General Services Agreement
The P-615(g) may be used to purchase general services. It is used primarily by OCA. This template contains the same terms contained in the P-600, as well as additional terms specific to general services.
P-615cg Commodities and General Services Agreement
The P-615(cg) may be used for purchases that involve both commodities and general services. It is used primarily by OCA. If the commodity is being leased, include the Equipment Lease Terms Appendix.
Equipment Lease Terms Appendix
This P-520 Equipment Lease Agreement template has been discontinued effective November 2023. Instead, departments should attach the Equipment Lease Terms Appendix to the City template applicable to a particular transaction. For example, if leasing a commodity, it should be attached to the P-615C Commodities Agreement as an appendix.

Technology contract templates

P-629 Licensed Content for Internal Government Use Agreement
The P-629 may be used to purchase or subscribe to content in an electronic form, almost always via the internet. Usually this is a lower value transaction. This is commonly referred to as “Online Content.” If the Licensed Content includes interactive services or personal involvement, this template may not be appropriate, and a P-600 should be used.
P-648 Software as a Service (SaaS) and Hosted Services Agreement
The P-648 is used when purchasing cloud-based software, software as a service (SaaS), and hosted data agreements. If technology or software will be a significant aspect of a service, this template should be a starting point. This is a sophisticated template that offers the highest level of protection for the City and its data. This iteration offers improved security language, emphasis on data protection, streamlined clauses, and updated ADA language.
P-642 Software Development Agreement
The P-642 is used when hiring a contractor to develop software for the City.
P-645 On Prem Software License and Maintenance Services Agreement
The P-645 is used when acquiring on-premise software licenses and maintenance services.
P-640 On Prem Software Maintenance Agreement
The P-640 may be used for standalone on-premise software maintenance for previously purchased licenses.
P-649 On Prem Software License with Professional and Maintenance Services
The P-649 is used when purchasing on-premise software license, software maintenance and professional services. Because of the wide range of legal issues, it is comprehensive, and must be tailored to each specific scope of services.

Assigning a contract to a new party
