
Get a copy of a report from the Civil Service Commission

Anyone can ask for a copy of a Civil Service Commission report related to a hearing.



  • Free for authorized departmental and employee organization representatives
  • 10 cents ($0.10) per page for everyone else
  • Reports available on website can be printed at no cost


Reports are available on 72 hours before the meeting date (so people can review them before the hearing)


1. Call our office and request a copy of the report

Civil Service Commission 628-652-1100

We'll let you know if we can fulfill your request.

If we can, we'll let you know when the copy will be ready for you to pick up.

2. Come to our offices

25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 720
San Francisco, CA 94102
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If you need to meet with us outside of business hours, call us. 

3. Pick up your report

If you're an authorized departmental or employee organization representative, the copy of the report is free.

Everyone else has to pay 10 cents ($0.10) per page of the report. 

You can pay cash in the exact amount or make out a check to Civil Service Commission. 


25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 720
San Francisco, CA 94102
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If you need to meet with us outside of business hours, call us.